My Core Values



People want to know what decisions are being made in the city. All the information is publicly available, but few people access it. I am committed to making City Council's decisions as available and understandable as possible.
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I am eager to know our residents and be known by them. Send me an email, a text, or an email. Stop me on the street. I am here for you.
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Listening Well

Listening Well

As a leader, I need to understand the needs and concerns of all the residents of Mebane. That means listening first and listening well. I will ask questions, recognize what I do not know or have not experienced, and learn.



Kindness is easy with those who are like us and agree with us. True kindness shines in midst of differences and disagreement. I am committed to kindness at all times and in all circumstances.



There are many people in Mebane that are suffering, needy, and hurting. Many have not had the opportunities that I have had. My decisions and perspectives will be driven by understanding and compassion for the most needy and vulnerable.
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Public Service

Public Service

I am here to serve Mebane. I am not focused on national issues or on hot-button political topics. I want to be known as a public servant, and hopefully never as a politician.

Jonathan with Rebecca Royal, retired principal of South Mebane Elementary School

Collaboration, listening, understanding and bringing people together: that is how problems are solved. Working with South Mebane Elementary as a mentor was an example of that in action. Together we can follow that same approach to strengthen Mebane.